Here's a little of what's happening the next week:
Every Tuesday at Friday afternoon from 4 to 7 pm is Teen Game Day at at the Library. Open to all county teens. Come play Super Smash Brothers Brawl on the Wii, or Yu-Gi-Oh! XBOX 360 Halo, Madden, Marvel and Burnout.
The Independent Voices Festival is happening this month at the Centre Theater. That means a variety short-run plays between now and January 19th. UP FROM THE ASHES opened last night and runs through Sunday. This one-woman play examines the labor movement’s efforts before and after the tragic Triangle Shirtwaist Factory of 1911. Tickets $20. Also, Sunday night and next Friday at 8 pm: LOOKING FOR URANUS. Eric Single presents a one-man comedic show. Thursday at 8 pm, SUBDIVISION, a new play by Dave Ebersole. Tickets $10-20.
LEGO Club at the Library, Saturdays, 10:30 to noon, for ages 4-12. LEGOs provided. Come and build.
Next Tuesday, 6:30-7:30 pm at GNPAL, Law Enforcement Explorers Program. Open to 14-20 year-olds interested in a career in law enforcement. Questions? Please contactl Lt. Rich Clowser, 610-270-0496,
Tuesday, 7 pm - First Planning Commission meeting of the year. The only thing on the agenda is the consideration of a recommendation to approve proposed amendment to provisions of the Zoning Ordinance amending the standards for non-residential Real Estate Temporary banner signs, to allow for temporary signs that are proportional to the building size.
Next Saturday, January 18th, is the town-wide Day of Service, facilitated this year by The Norristown Project. Three buildings will be the focus of the day: The Opportunities Industrialization Center (OIC-Old Hancock School on Arch St.) from 9 am to noon, Selma Mansion at 1301 W. Airy from noon to 3 pm, and Centre Theater on Dekalb from 3 to 7 pm. You can volunteer at 1, 2 or all 3. The OIC project will involve removing old furniture and unused items out of the basement and giving the walls a good scrub. The Selma project will also include clearing the basement, but if there are enough volunteers, they'll do some general cleaning and possibly paint scraping upstairs as well. I don't have details on the Centre Theater project yet. More info next week. The Norristown Project would like to get a count of interested volunteers, so if you intend to go to any or all, please email or sign up for them on TNP's facebook page.
Last thing today, you can help the 7 families displaced by last week's fire on Minor St. Both George Washington Carver Community Center, 249 East Jacoby St. (Monday- Friday from 6-8 pm) and GNPAL at 340 Harding Blvd, Norristown, 610-278-8040, are accepting food, monetary donations, clothes and other supplies.
Thank you for sharing the calendar! Many great events happening in Norristown all month long. Also, there are additional links for the calendar here:
Thank you.