Saturday, November 3, 2018

My not-so-usual Election Blog

Usually I write a series of blogs the week before election day summarizing the candidates on the ballots in Norristown. This election I didn't have the stomach for it, literally. I tried reading the Republican candidates websites and reviewing their public statements but they were making me ill.

They all seem to wholeheartedly support Trump, McConnell and Ryan, and therefore support their policies of putting innocent young children in detention camps, taking away preexisting condition protections from healthcare, stealing from Social Security and Medicare, supporting the racist leanings of some police departments, encouraging Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists, giving tax cuts to the richest people while creating tariffs that destroy our farmers, ignoring the climate change that's bringing severe storms, heatwaves and wildfires to our states, taking safeguards away from pollution restrictions from our water and air, etc.  They all seem bent on hurting people so they and their cronies can make a buck. The candidate for governor, Wagner, has said that he's delighted to be endorsed by the AltRight, and that he'd "stomp all over" Governor Wolfe's "face with golf spikes." No thanks. I'd rather have a quiet, reasonable, sane governor for my state, not someone who talks like an eighth grade bully.

I've had it. I'm voting straight Democrat. There are candidates on the Green and Libertarian Party slates, too, if that suits you better.

This election, EVERY citizen needs to get out to VOTE. You can help stop the cruelty in America. You can turn around the direction the country is headed. You can help begin to bring the country back together. Don't assume your vote won't count. Don't leave these problems to your children's generation to solve.

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